Dating Vs Relationship


When you find your perfect match, a relationship can be a wonderful experience. Knowing that someone thinks and behaves like you, with similar beliefs, makes you feel comfortable. Developing a deep relationship and significant internal growth is possible in this situation. Conversely, frivolous dating can be emotionally damaging. It is everyone’s dream to find the perfect partner. 

Research shows that a healthy relationship helps you with the following:

  1. Live longer

Positive relationships are associated with longer lives, according to studies. “People, especially men, live longer and are healthier when they’re married,” said Jones. According to experts, this phenomenon is related to factors like a reduced stress level, and in romantic relationships, partners typically give up bad habits, like heavy drinking or smoking, to support the relationship. Hence, healthier habits are more likely to increase longevity.

  1. Heal quicker

Benjamin A. Steinberg, MD, assistant professor of medicine in the cardiovascular division of the University of Utah Healthcare, said that patients with strong social supports generally recover more quickly. Steinberg attributes the improved recovery to lower levels of stress hormones, such as cortisol.

  1. Feel less pain
    Are you familiar with the movie where the heroic hero endures extensive pain for the love of his life? Though his inspiration is out of sight, just thinking of her is enough to push him to endure pain. In reality, he probably could. Researchers found that showing suffering subjects pictures of romantic partners reduced experimentally-induced pain. However, randomly showing them pictures of attractive people did not reduce reaction time.

In addition to making us happy, loving relationships also keep us healthy. A happy relationship is life’s greatest medicine, from improving our immunity and blood pressure to helping us heal sooner and live longer. So go ahead, grab that free hug. You’ll be glad you did.
